Purple flowers in bloom

Bring Life To Your Landscape
Native Plants

Native plants are the plants that are growing naturally in your area. Many birds and butterflies are declining in numbers, by planting the milkweed that monarchs depend on; you can help reverse the trend. By planting native trees and shrubs with berries for the birds, they will flock to your yard.

IFind a Bucks County Nursery near you
Where To Get Native Plants

Retail Plant Nurseries

Gino’s Native Plant Nursery
2237 Second St. Pike
Newtown, Pa. 18940
Phone: 267-750-9042

Tree Authority LLC
602 Minsi Trail
Perkasie, Pa. 18944
Phone: 215-901-5552

Tree Authority is owned and operated by ISA certified arborist Hasan Malik. We use best practices to grow strong, healthy trees with virtually no girdling roots, minimal transplant shock and a visible root flare. We grow over 350 varieties of trees, specializing in fruit trees and natives but also carrying a diverse supply of landscape and ornamental trees. All our trees are grown in pots, ranging in size from 5 gallons to 25 gallon. See our availability list with sizes and pricing at treeauthority.net to see what makes us the premier Bucks County nursery.

Environmental organizations

Bowman’s Hill Wildflower Preserve
One Spring and one Fall sale New Hope, Pa. Phone: 215-862-2924

Recommended Books for Native Plant Lovers

Nature’s Best Hope by Douglas Tallamy

His latest book gives specific advice on how to make positive changes in our own yards, and in our communities.

The Tree Identification Book by George W. D. Symonds

Paperback book with black and white photos of trees, leaves, fruit, flowers ect.

Dirr’s Hardy Trees and Shrubs by Dirr

This book has trees and shrubs that will grow from the east coast to the west coast in the north. It has both native and non native plants, but clearly states where they are native. It has wonderful color photographs.

American Plants for American Gardens by Edith A. Roberts and Elsa Rehmann

This book has plant communities. It has all the layers in the natural environment. It has canopy trees, understory trees, shrubs and the herbaceous layer.

The New England Wild Flower Society Guide to Growing and Propagating Wildflowers of the United States and Canada by William Cullina

I use this book every time I create a landscape design. My book is falling apart. It is time to buy another one. The information I use the most in this book is how far apart to plant. Many books tell you how tall plants will grow, but few tell you how wide.

Bringing Nature Home by Douglas Tallamy

A book that explains why native plants. Includes scientific data. Very readable.

The Shrub Identification Book by George W. D. Symonds

There are a lot of books on wildflower and tree identification, but not many at all on shrubs. This book fills the gap.

Native Trees, Shrubs and Vines for Urban and Rural America by Gary L. Hightshoe

This book has only native plants. It includes the entire country. It has a map with each plant that is detailed down to the county. It has black and white drawings instead of color photos. I recommend using with Dirr. It also has many useful lists. For example shrubs that are shade tolerant, trees that are wet tolerant, shrubs that need acid soil ect.